Our little (maybe not so little) family has moved to Florida. Our house is not ready yet so we are staying in an extended stay. It's getting tougher as the days go by. We were suppose to get our house today, however the sellers were not ready so, we sit and wait.
I do hope to get back to regular blogging her sometime in the near future. I was crafting LOTS, but finding the additional time to blog about it just wasn't happening. And when I did take pictures they didn't come out that great.
For now I will share the costume I made my littlest. I don't have the pattern handy since it is packed in a box, but I do believe it was McCall's from Joann's. I do love the way it came out. The wings could use a little work.
I changed the back a little. The pattern called for regular elastic. They wanted you to make 3 casting and then insert the elastic and sew down, but I used elastic thread and like how it turned out. Something I wish I wasn't scared of the dying. But after my last fiasco with it I didn't want to attempted it again. I would have like to die the elastic for the wings so they didn't stick out like a sore thumb.
I did the 3t size even though she is only 15 months. She is in the 75%, but I don't think she is really all that big, so I would say that the sizing is off a little.
And just cause I think he is cute:
I didn't make his costume this year, while we were at a second hand store he found and fell in love with a dragon costume, so we went with it.
That costume is awesome!!