My oldest wanted to be a vampire for Halloween. I thought this was great, all I had to come up with was a cape.
I looked on the internet for a tutorial and came up empty handed. Although I found a pattern at the store I wasn't willing to pay for it, since it seemed pretty basic. With that said I thought I would give a little tutorial for those that were not quite sure.
It totally came out by chance and she LOVES it! I like that it is not your traditional red lining and the black has sparkles. She can wear the collar up down.
I started with 1 yard of each fabric:
place the 8 inch peace inside the opening right side fabric together pin and sew, do this for both sides
This is the step that would have been easier if I left it attached and just tapered in and came to a point. Not sure if it would have worked.
Awesome cape!! I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing: