
Thursday, October 28, 2010

we are in Florida

Our little (maybe not so little) family has moved to Florida. Our house is not ready yet so we are staying in an extended stay. It's getting tougher as the days go by. We were suppose to get our house today, however the sellers were not ready so, we sit and wait.

I do hope to get back to regular blogging her sometime in the near future. I was crafting LOTS, but finding the additional time to blog about it just wasn't happening. And when I did take pictures they didn't come out that great.

For now I will share the costume I made my littlest. I don't have the pattern handy since it is packed in a box, but I do believe it was McCall's from Joann's. I do love the way it came out. The wings could use a little work.

I also changed the petals. It called for just layering them, but since I didn't want to buy anything else...I chose to cut 2 the same and sew them together and make them puffy, instead of flat.

I changed the back a little. The pattern called for regular elastic. They wanted you to make 3 casting and then insert the elastic and sew down, but I used elastic thread and like how it turned out. Something I wish I wasn't scared of the dying. But after my last fiasco with it I didn't want to attempted it again. I would have like to die the elastic for the wings so they didn't stick out like a sore thumb.

I did the 3t size even though she is only 15 months. She is in the 75%, but I don't think she is really all that big, so I would say that the sizing is off a little.

And just cause I think he is cute:

I didn't make his costume this year, while we were at a second hand store he found and fell in love with a dragon costume, so we went with it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1st Halloween costume

My oldest wanted to be a vampire for Halloween. I thought this was great, all I had to come up with was a cape.

I looked on the internet for a tutorial and came up empty handed. Although I found a pattern at the store I wasn't willing to pay for it, since it seemed pretty basic. With that said I thought I would give a little tutorial for those that were not quite sure.

It totally came out by chance and she LOVES it! I like that it is not your traditional red lining and the black has sparkles. She can wear the collar up down.

I started with 1 yard of each fabric:

I layered the 2 fabrics right side together and folded in half

I cut about 8 inches off the top (I might skip this if there were a next time)

I used a bowl to round the bottom

I stitched our 3 sides leaving the top open

take the 8 inch pieces and cut the end on an angle to come to a point

I tapered the top to line up with the collar piece
and ironed on fusible interfacing

place the 8 inch peace inside the opening right side fabric together pin and sew, do this for both sides

This is the step that would have been easier if I left it attached and just tapered in and came to a point. Not sure if it would have worked.

cut slits around your rounded edges

Then turn and top stitch.

I didn't take a picture of the next 2 steps, mostly because I thought I was done. But it ended up to big. So I folded over the top by the neck and tapered it to mid way down and stitched down. Then I put and eye hook to hold it closed.

PonyTails and FishScales


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

T-shirts for a mama

A couple post back I mentioned Well I just finished up my last swap. I am a little bummed about it but I must say I am glad I am back to crafted for my kids!

The mama wanted black shirts, so I thought no problem I will die them (it was expensive to buy black onesies) and I couldn't find cute black short sleeve shirts this time of year. No matter what I did I couldn't get the shirts to be really black, they came out mostly gray. I died them 3 times and no luck. I did several cute sayings and names using the yudu and freezer paper. I made her a moby wrap with a ring, hair accessories from my one of my favorite blogs.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Left out?

So do you ever feel that you sew more for 1 child than another? I do! I feel like I sew more for the younger kids than my oldest :( It is simply because it is easier to sew for the younger ones, in my opinion anyway.

So the other night my oldest came out ready for bed in pants that were way to small. I think my 4 year old could have worn them. I said to her put pj's on that fit, her response "i don't have any". At first I was frustrated: Why hadn't she told me she needed new pjs, why hadn't I realized she needed new pj's? But then it gave me a reason to sew :)

I got a little scared to sew pjs for her, but in the end they came out cute and she loves them. I ended up making 2 pair. I just used fabric I had on hand. Now I will let her pick out some fabric to make her more. I didn't want to buy fabric and not be able to do it. They are kinda addicting, I think because they are quick. She wanted short pants since we are moving to Fl.

I did the usually and traced an old pair of pj pants for sizing. Which worked out great. The only thing I did differently this time was the way I put the pants together. When I first started to sew this technique got me so frustrated! this is actually the first time I have tried to sew pants since. But it is so easy once you do it.

1st: you want to sew your 2 pants completely up the outer side then sew from the croch to the feet

2nd: one pant must be right side and the other inside out

3rd: place the right side pant inside the other pant leg. right side of fabric together

4th: pin around it will look like a U and like 1 pant leg

sew and turn right side out

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Thank you to all who participated!

So after using Trish was the winner for a hat of her choice. However Trish did not leave any contact information. So I will give her 48 hrs to contact me from Sat at 810pm. If I do not hear from Trish I will be selecting again.

So you still may have a chance