
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

rainbow outfit

I was so looking for a reason to make this beauty from the moment Kelly posted. But never really had a reason. I mean she can't really run around and play in this beauty. But I guess every little girl needs a fancy dress in her closet?

I thought using the rainbow would be perfect for the back. It was surprisingly easy to put together and I love the way it turned out. I was going to do a birthday hat, however, I thought it might be to much. So we went with the pretty, pretty (as she likes to call them).

linking to:

Blue cricket design

Women who do it all

Somewhat Simple


  1. I hope you come link this up to Make It Wear It! It is lovely!

    Andrea @

  2. Love her dress! Very colorful, perfect for lil girls!

    The Twerp and I
