
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Upcoming birthday party

I am looking for ideas for my daughters first birthday in August. Here is the scoop already.

My son always calls her sweet Heart. It's kinda funny, I will be in the kitchen and I will hear "No, No, sweet heart you can't have that, you will get hurt" (she usually has just picked up one of his toys and he doesn't want her to have it). I really love the way it sounds. So I wanted to go with a heart them. Something like "Our Sweet Heart is turning 1, please come and join the fun".

But I want to have decorations that match. I feel bad, for my son's 1st birthday I had 1 decoration over his highchair and it stayed there for almost a year! Everyone made fun of me for it! So I really want to do it up, but not go over board in the finance department. And this will be my last - 1st birthday party I get to throw.

I have been taking monthly photos to do a banner and of course a heart cake, but that is were my ideas stop. I want to have favors, table decorations and of course an outfit maybe some little things here and there. I am not much of a home decorator so I think it carries over for party throwing as well.

So any ideas, sites or tutorials to check out I would greatly appreciate it!


  1. If you can find those converstion hearts or sweet harts eyou can get around Valentine's Day they would be good favors.

  2. I have a couple of blogs on my reader that are jam packed with amazing party ideas:

    Kara's Party Ideas: her menu of all the different themed parties in on the right and some of them are spectacular to say the least.

    Another great resource is One Pretty Thing. Type "birthday" in the search field and then scroll through the pages. Lots of neat decorations and crafts.

  3. Thanks for the ideas, I am on my way to check out the blogs given.

    I wonder if I can have the hearts personalized. (it would be my 1 splurge)

  4. you could also make a heart garland, that the kids help with. (if you have the patience for that! lol) of course her outfit needs to have the hearts, but I bet you have that taken care of, huh?! we are doing a prince theme in august. one is turning 1 and one is turning 3
